Further Study - Use of English - Key Sentences

Making a Telephone Call



Key Sentences:

•  Hello! Who is that speaking, please?/Hello! Who is it?

•  This is Jenny speaking./It's Jenny speaking./It's Jenny.

•  May I speak/talk to Bob?

•  Bob! Jenny wants you on the phone.

•  Sorry, he is on another line/phone. Can you call again later?/Can he call            you back?

•  I'm sorry. Bob isn't in./He is out.

•  Can I take a message for him?

•  Can I leave a message?

•  Would you ask him to call me back?

•  It is urgent, is there any way to get in touch with him?

•  Extension 3543 please./Can you put me through to 3543?

•  Sorry, the number is engaged/busy. Will you hold on?